Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Vegetarian Biscuits and Gravy???

I had a dentist appointment this morning, but it wasn't until 9:45, which meant I had some time to kill after dropping the kids at school.  So I decided to search for something yummy to eat, like a breakfast burrito.  As I drove past Whole Foods Market, I remembered that they have a salad bar there, so I stopped to see if maybe, just maybe they also have an eggs and bacon bar.  Sure enough, they also have a hot breakfast buffet for something like $7.99 a pound.

While browsing my choices, I noticed a pan of "Vegetarian Gravy" next to the homemade biscuits.  I decided to give it a try, even though I had never heard of vegetarian gravy before, and could not imagine what it was made out of.  It looked just like gravy.

It was pretty good!  It tasted like.... gravy!

So that's my story.  I sat down and had vegetarian biscuits and gravy and a lovely cup of coffee from the other part of the store.  That was a nice way to start my morning, and well, I survived the dentist chair.  :-)

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