Saturday, July 28, 2012

Yummy Easy Chili!

Ranch beans are the best!  It's the best side dish ever next to a steak and even delicious on their own.  If you are not familiar with Ranch Style Beans, they are pinto beans (a Southwestern staple) in a yummy chili gravy.  The thick sauce the beans are soaking in is made out of tomatoes, chilies, and spices, so it's not really a stretch to imagine you can make a nice chunky chili out of a can of ranch beans.

In the past, I have used ground meat to make ranch bean chili, but this week I happened to have 1/2 pound of breakfast sausage in my refrigerator.  And a can of ranch beans with jalapeno in my pantry.  I also had a green pepper, an onion, and some tomatoes on hand, so it was a no-brainer.


1 green pepper, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
1/2 lb. sausage or ground meat
1 can Ranch Style Beans with Jalapeno (or without jalapeno if you can't take the heat)
Seasonings: salt, pepper, granulated garlic, red chili powder, chile with lime (chile con limon), cumin, etc.

Roughly chop the peppers, onions, and tomatoes.  Saute the peppers and onions in a little oil, seasoning the veggies with your faves.  I recommend the above.  Go light on the granulated garlic and cumin.  I get Chile Con Limon at Food City, it's basically red chili powder with lemon added, perfect on everything!

When the peppers and onions are about 1/2 way cooked, add the meat and continue to saute it, cooking the meat thoroughly.  Add the tomatoes last, after the meat is cooked.  Now add the ranch beans and enough water to reach the top of the ingredients.  Stir and let this mixture simmer for 20-30 minutes (stirring occasionally) so the ingredients can become one.  Chefs like to say "Let the flavors get married!"  That's a good way to put it!  They are no longer pepper, onion, meat, and beans; they have become the delicious little family of Yummy Chunky Chili!  Now go enjoy your creation!

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