Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A Case of Unexpected Yumminess (Go SUNS!!!)

Every day I drink a fresh fruit smoothie for breakfast.  I usually put an apple in it, 1/2 a pear,  whatever fruit is on sale that week, like strawberries, raspberries, or grapes, and orange juice.  Every once in a while I'll buy a branch of fresh ginger to add in. 

This morning, nearing the end of my fruit stash for the week, I had one apple and one pear left, along with some ginger, so that's what went into the smoothie.

What a surprise!  It was refreshing and delicious!  Here's the recipe:


One apple
One pear
A one-inch piece of ginger, peeled
Orange juice - enough to cover the fruit

Place everything into the blender and blend it up until it's smooth.  Pour it into a Phoenix Suns glass and drink it!