Thursday, October 30, 2014

Breaking News: Salad Haters Like Salad

Vegetables are good for us.  Grown folks know that and we want the kids to eat them.  But what a waste of time, money and food to serve up vegetables that they refuse to eat.  I recently decided that after school gets out, I would not give them anything sweet, including fruit or juice.  So what is left?  Vegetables, bread, cheese, and water!  And plain nuts!  Luckily they were receptive to things like celery with cream cheese, carrots, and cucumbers with salt (the small yummy ones).

Yesterday I decided to try giving them lettuce spears with ranch drizzled on them.  Guess what, they liked it!  They asked for more of them today!  I cut the romaine lettuce leaves in 2 down the middle (along the center vein) so they can eat them with their fingers.   That's all.  :-)

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