Monday, August 1, 2011

Oregon and the best omelet ever!

So, we just got back from spending a few days in Oregon, and it was spectacular!  If you ever get a chance to go to Mt. Hood and Hood River, you should go, it is incredibly beautiful.  It's breathtaking.

We stayed in Hood River at the Vineyard View Bed and Breakfast on Post Canyon Road.  Hanging out in Hood River is like working out.  Everywhere you go, you have to hike up a hill to get to the next block!  Going to the bar was like a warmup for the next day when we hiked on Mt. Hood.

There are quite a few wineries in the Hood River area, including right next door to the bed and breakfast.  Our host and owner, Dave, grows grapes for the winery next door.  So there really is a view of the vineyards right outside your window!

And let me tell you, this guy can cook!  He definitely takes the "breakfast" part of bed and breakfast seriously.  Actually, everything about Vineyard View Bed and Breakfast was on point.  It is beautiful and well-maintained.  The home is set in the middle of the vineyards, with gardens and beautiful flowers surrounding the house.  They also have a large vegetable garden right next to the grape vines.

Dave has the hook up for fresh fish.  One of his buddies had gone fishing near a snow glacier and caught several VERY LARGE rainbow trout.  They were packed in snow from the glacier!  Dave cooked them on the grill with just butter and onions and little lemon and WOW!!!

He also has a connection with some of the local Native Americans who have fishing rights on the Columbia River.  They catch salmon and smoke them the traditional way, then they come around and sell the smoked salmon to Dave.  It was delicious!!

Dave makes a smoked salmon omelet that is probably one of the greatest omelets I've ever had.  He sauteed some zucchini, yellow squash, and onion in butter.  Then he diced up the salmon into little cubes.  The sauteed veggies and salmon go inside the omelet along with some cream cheese and a little bit of cheddar cheese.  The egg was cooked perfectly, not brown at all!  This omelet was awesome!

This is also the season for fresh berries to grow in Oregon.  It's a good time to visit if you like fruit!

So, wine, food, spectacular scenery, hiking, and really freindly people... Oregon is pretty amazing!  I've heard that in another part of the year it gets pretty cold.  So you should probably go visit Oregon NOW!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip Sarah, and I will make that omelet this weekend! Thanks for sharing!
